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EMAC 2020 Annual Conference

The Coherence Between the Eye Tracking and Survey Data of Consumers

Published: May 27, 2020


Jose Mazzon, University of Sao Paulo; Thais Harume, University of Sao Paulo


Consumer behavior; Eye Tracking; Neuroscience


This study explore the association between the data collected with the eye tracking, and the data collected with a Survey when interviewees were exposed to a digital advertisement. This study aims to challenge the current digital banner template that is commonly boosted in digital online campaigns as well as evaluate its performance from a neuroscientific perspective. The research partially proved that there is a association between the survey and the eye tracking data. The results’ analysis adopted statistical techniques in order to identify groups with similar beliefs. It is clear to see that the components in an online advertisement compete among each other for the consumer’s attention. It is clear how inefficient the current digital banner template is when the consumer’s conscious and unconscious perception towards it are taken in consideration altogether. Besides, it was not possible to conclude that celebrities’ endorsements are powerful in this type of advertisement.